Basic question and answers in Information Technology

Technology: Technology is originated from the Greek work called ‘techne’ which means “art, skill, cunning of hand”. Technology is comprised of the products and processes created by engineers to meet our needs and wants. In the way of Environmental, Information, Communication, Nanotechnology, Rays Technology, Signalling, Material, Transportation, and Medical, etc., address human needs and wants.

Infotainment: The name itself says that information and entertainment. Yes, it is a combination of entertainment and information to the public like television.

Computer: A computer is an electronic device that accepts data in digitized information and manipulates based on program or sequence of instructions for some result either to process, perform calculations, store and retrieve data.

Information Technology (IT): A business sector that deals with computing, including hardware, software, telecommunications and generally anything involved in the transmittal of information or the systems that facilitate communication.

Business Process outsourcing (BPO): The contracting of non-primary business activities (i.e., front-office customer services or back-office business functions) to a third-party provider also called as information technology enabled services (ITeS).

  • Because core operations will be efficiently enhanced.
  • Business no need to invest in unrelated assets and hiring.
  • Data privacy breaches
  • Underestimated running costs
  • Overdependence on service providers.

Business Process Management (BPM): is a discipline involving any combination of modeling, automation, execution, control, measurement and optimization of business activity flows, in support of enterprise goals, spanning systems, employees, customers and partners within and beyond the enterprise boundaries.

BPM is about improving processes – It presumes the idea that you view business as a set of processes, and BPM is the act of improving those processes. This is important: “skill” is different from “skill improvement”. This can be confusing. For example, in competitive situations the two ideas are often intertwined – what is the act of playing tennis, if not also the act of trying to improve the way you play tennis?  However, in other contexts, it is easier to distinguish – the activity of driving is different than taking a driving course to improve the way you drive. The implication is that BPM is not about automating business process (in the ‘paving the cow paths’ meaning) but about improving them. The same way that ‘reengineering’ a process is about not simply automating what is currently there.  Some will say that automation by itself is an improvement over a manual process.  The BPM is the activity of discovering and designing the automated process, and is done when the finished application is deployed to the organization.  The running of the processes is not part of BPM.  However, monitoring the process to find areas of improvement would still be an important part of BPM.

International Centre for Free and Open Source Software (ICFOSS): ICFOSS is an autonomous institution under   the Government of Kerala, mandated with the objectives of co – ordinating FOSS initiatives within Kerala, as well as linking up with FOSS initiatives in other parts of the world in order to push the agenda of prompting demographic access to information and knowledge through equitable models of production and distribution of software in particular and knowledge in general.

National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM): NASSCOM, a not-for-profit industry association, is the apex body for the 154-billion-dollar IT BPM industry in India, an industry that had made a phenomenal contribution to India’s GDP, exports, employment, infrastructure and global visibility. Established in 1988 and ever since, NASSCOM’s relentless pursuit has been to constantly support the IT BPM industry, in the latter’s continued journey towards seeking trust and respect from varied stakeholders, even as it reorients itself time and again to remain innovative, without ever losing its humane and friendly touch.

NASSCOM is focused on building the architecture integral to the development of the IT BPM sector through policy advocacy, and help in setting up the strategic direction for the sector to unleash its potential and dominate newer frontiers.

Internet of Things (IoT): A computing concept that describes the idea of everyday physical objects being connected to the internet and being able to identify themselves to other devices.

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